Tuesday 30 September 2014

Getting ready

Hello everybody :)
This is our first statement on our brand new blog-so have patience with us-
 nilla and timo -
the skulls of scandinavian origin- or for short soso :)

for you to understand us better we need to go back to the year 2010 when we met on a datingsite and started going out <3 we guickly decided to start saving for a world around trip together and three months later we already moved in together in a studio flat in Viertola near Tikkurila in Vantaa Finland.
we are actually skulls of scandinavian origin and we both really like skulls:) hence the name

we got married on February 2. 2013 and my now darling husband has done a fair bit of travelling before he met me.
he went to places like China, Nepal, India, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam.and Australia.

Nilla has not been so wild on travelling and visited Great Brittain, Sweden, Riga in Latvia, Milano in Italy, Tallinn in Estonia

whilest we were saving up for the big trip we took smaller trips to Poland were we fell in love with zakopane, Ukraine where our favourite was Odessa and Israel were we loved tel aviv <3 so going back when it's possible! our thoughts go out to you <3

our very first trip together was a surprise one from Timo to me when he just told me to pack for a weekend in Europe and then took me to Germany - Munchen and Garmisch partenkirchen.
We had only been going out for a bit over a month and little me was so swepped of my feet <3 I had butterflies in my tummy the whole time and I remember thinking of him as lovely, brave and crazy but i already knew i really liked him.

so...freaking TADAA!!!

almost four years later we are finally getting ready to leave for our BIG eight months long adventure in Asia. The plan is to go to China, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand...pretty sweet right!!!???

we have a really nice girl Mia ( we love you) who is going to stay in our flat whielest we are gone, we got a travel incurance, all our possesions packet in a storage(Nilla had a really hard time when she had to leave a lot of her jewellery in Finland), almost all the vaccinations needed taken, visas and flight to china - check!

it's been so much fun doing all the planning for the take of:) we have been talking about this trip for so long to anybody who has been willing to listen, that in between i think people thought that we aren't going to leave at all. we had a pretty bad case of baby fever before leaving - so i think some people were hoping that we would have stayed and made lots of babies :P time for babies later - now is travel time yes!